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Learn More About Your Child's School

The Texas Education Agency will be rating schools and districts this year after a two-year hiatus, and parents can now learn more about how Sherman ISD is preparing their child for success. Schools and districts were labeled Not Rated: Declared State of Disaster for 2020 and 2021. Teachers and schools also use rating information to improve practices and instructional approaches for the next school year and beyond.

Starting on Aug. 15, parents will be able to view the rating for your child’s school, plus much more, by visiting Parents will also be able to search for schools using their address and compare their child’s school to others. Parents have shared that the detailed profile information along with school ratings, school offerings, and additional parent resources help paint a more complete picture of their child’s school. 

We encourage parents to learn more about their child’s school and use this information, their own observations, and their child’s grades to create a learning plan to help their child succeed.  

We can't wait for the coming school year.

For more information about school ratings, visit

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Where can I learn more about how my child’s school and district performed?

Visit to learn about how your child’s school is preparing them for the next grade level and success after high school.

2. Why do we have school accountability ratings?

School ratings are one of many ways to determine how well your child’s school is preparing them for the next grade and success after high school. Ratings also help us determine whether schools are serving all students.

3. Why are school accountability ratings important?

School ratings help Texas public schools meet the educational needs of all students by providing the information they need to assess and improve their schools. Ratings provide a look into how your child’s school is performing in different areas, including

  • STAAR Performance;
  • English language acquisition;
  • Graduation Rates; and
  • College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR).

4. What does the overall rating tell me about my child’s school and district?

Overall ratings are calculated based on performance in three key areas. We take the higher score between how much students know (Student Achievement) or how much better students are doing than last year or than peers in similar schools (School Progress). We then consider whether performance gaps exist among different groups of students (Closing the Gaps).

5. Where can I learn more about the accountability system in Texas?

Visit the How Accountability Ratings Work webpage on

6. Why hasn’t there been accountability ratings for the past two years?

Given the impact of COVID-19, all districts and schools received a label of Not Rated: Declared State of Disaster for their 2020 and 2021 accountability ratings.

7. Why aren’t there schools with D’s and F’s rating this year?

Senate Bill (SB) 1365, 87th legislative session (2021), requires a Not Rated label for 2022 unless the district or campus earns an A, B, or C.

Rating Label Cut Points

Rating Label

Scaled Score


scaled score 90–100


scaled score 80–89


scaled score 70–79

Not Rated: Senate Bill 1365

scaled score ≤69


8. I’m moving. How can I find the best school for my child?

To find the best school for your child, enter your address, city, or zip code in the School Finder on You can also use advanced filtering features to narrow down schools by rating, type, offerings, designations, and more.

9. Where can I find more parent resources to support my child?

Visit the Parent Resources page on

10. How do I compare my child’s school to similar schools?

Visit the School Comparison Tool on