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Sory Elementary Students Showcase Leadership Skills

Sory Elementary Students Showcase Leadership Skills
Sory Student Explains Leadership Role to Campus Visitor

Sory Elementary hosted its inaugural Leadership Day on December 12 to showcase student leadership and growth through the Leader in Me program.

Students welcomed dozens of community members to learn about how the program empowers students with leadership skills, fosters a positive culture and supports academic success.

Husky Leaders led school tours and showed campus visitors where they track their learning and set personal goals in leadership notebooks. 

In addition, they discussed 8 habits that shape Sory’s campus culture such as being proactive, working collaboratively and listening to others. These empower students to lead with confidence and help them succeed at school and in their daily lives.

Students also shared about the various school-wide leadership roles on campus, including broadcast team, library leaders and lighthouse team, which plans school events. To get these jobs, students fill out applications, find references and participate in interviews.

The Leader in Me program has helped students develop responsibility and take charge of their own learning and behavior, having a positive impact on academic achievement. The program has been made possible through the support of Simmons Bank and funding from other outside grants, private donations and community partners. 

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