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SISD Names Winners in Holiday Art Contest

SISD Names Winners in Holiday Art Contest

Sherman ISD is spreading holiday cheer with a card featuring the artwork of our talented students! Students were asked to create a piece of art reflecting the winter and holiday season. 

Dozens of pieces were submitted and judged by central staff, and the first, second and third place winners in elementary and secondary categories were selected. 

Their artwork is featured on the front and back of printed holiday cards mailed to city and community leaders, district partners, surrounding districts and more.

Guy Arnot, third grader at Neblett Elementary, won first place in the elementary contest and is featured on the cover of the elementary card. His art teacher is Ms. Christie Sasser.

Guy Arnot, third grader at Neblett Elementary, won first place in the elementary contest and is featured on the cover of the elementary card. His art teacher is Ms. Christie Sasser.


Tanya Baig, fourth grader at Sory Elementary, placed second in elementary. Her art teacher is Ms. Marie Lewis.

Tanya Baig, fourth grader at Sory Elementary, placed second in elementary. Her art teacher is Ms. Marie Lewis.


AJ Salinas, fifth grader at Dillingham Elementary, was awarded third place in elementary. His art teacher is Ms. Albanie Knight.

AJ Salinas, fifth grader at Dillingham Elementary, was awarded third place in elementary. His art teacher is Ms. Albanie Knight.


Selene Villalobos, sophomore at Sherman High, won first place in the secondary contest and is featured on the cover of the secondary card. Her art teacher is Ms. Sherry Young.

Selene Villalobos, sophomore at Sherman High, won first place in the secondary contest and is featured on the cover of the secondary card. Her art teacher is Ms. Sherry Young.


Ali Cervantes, sophomore at Sherman High, placed second in secondary. Her art teacher is Ms. Sherry Young.

Ali Cervantes, sophomore at Sherman High, placed second in secondary. Her art teacher is Ms. Sherry Young.


Chris Cantrell, eighth grader at Sherman Middle, was awarded third place in secondary. His art teacher is Ms. Anna Jensen.

Chris Cantrell, eighth grader at Sherman Middle, was awarded third place in secondary. His art teacher is Ms. Anna Jensen.


Congratulations to all of our winners! Sherman ISD is proud of the incredible talent in our classrooms and looks forward to sharing our students’ hard work with our Bearcat community.

Students will be invited to be recognized at the December 16 Board of Trustees meeting.