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Attendance & Truancy

A teacher hugs a student during Meet the Teacher.

Attendance is one of the biggest indicators of school success. Students who attend school regularly are naturally exposed to more than those who are routinely absent, and it represents responsibility and commitment, as well as a work ethic.

Sherman ISD wants to make showing up – attending school each day and on time – one of our district success stories! We have to make every day count for our students, and we know that only happens if our kids are in our classrooms and our parents are involved.

Help Your Student's Attendance

  • Monitor your child’s attendance by signing up for the SISD Parent Portal.
  • Build regular routines for bedtime and the morning.
  • Limit access to devices after a certain time.
  • Lay out clothes and pack backpacks the night before.
  • Avoid vacations and medical appointments when school is in session.
  • Develop back up plans for getting to school if something comes up.