• The Bearcat Way is a traits-based, calendar-focused character education program designed to give students the keys to drive towards greatness. The following 10 character traits are based on the Texas Education Code (TEC) §29.906, which states that the State Board of Education (SBOE) shall integrate positive character traits and personal skills into the essential knowledge and skills adopted for kindergarten through grade 12. 

    • [August] Respecttreating people the way you want to be treated. [Watch the Video]

    • [September] Couragegaining strength to do something you are afraid to do. [Watch the Video]

    • [October] Integritydoing what is right even when no one is watching. [Watch the Video]

    • [November] Gratitudepausing to notice and appreciate someone or something

    • [December] Caringdisplaying kindness and concern for others

    • [January] Responsibledoing what you are trusted to do

    • [February] Givingoffering support to benefit others

    • [March] Resiliencebouncing back when you get knocked down. 

    • [April] Trustworthydepending on each other. 

    • [May] Empathythe ability to understand and share the feelings of another. 

    Sherman ISD will share information with students and families throughout the year to explain and help reinforce the positive character traits at home and school.

    Schools will have the opportunity to nominate students who best exemplify these monthly traits for a districtwide award. One elementary and one secondary Student Ambassador will be chosen each month at the district level and recognized at School Board meetings.

    Sherman ISD is inviting all of our students, faculty, staff, and community to “Be a Bearcat” and join us in teaching and demonstrating The Bearcat Way.

    2024-25 Bearcat Way Videos