Welcome to the Neblett Knight Art Gallery - Art by Grade Level

  • Neblett Knight Artists!
    Art Teacher: Mrs. Beth Hubbert  
    "This world is but a canvas to our imagination."H. D. Thoreau

    This is the art room at Neblett Elementary School. It is an awesome environment to
    create art and draw inspiration from others, as well as, learn new things about ourselves,
    the world around us and the possibilities for own creative thinking!!!
    Welcome to the Neblett art room! Please enter...

    Welcome to the Neblett Knight art gallery. This is the website for the online art gallery
    for the art department of Neblett Elementary School. You will see a variety of art 
    projects that have been completed by Neblett kindergarten through 4th grade students.
    Enjoy viewing their creative art works!!!
    *Please note: The images of art on this website are to be viewed only and may not be reproduced or copied in any way, for any purpose. These artworks are the property of the student artists and it is a violation of the law to copy, print or reproduce them without the consent of the artist.

    "Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up."
    -Pablo Picasso


    "Art is a place kids travel to, where they feel good about themselves. Keep their passport current."

    Fred Babb, author and artist

    "Creativity is allowing oneself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep."
    -Scott Adams

    "To succeed today and in the future, America's children will need to be inventive, resourceful and imaginative. The best way to foster that creativity is through arts education."
    -Arne Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education