
Sherman Ex-Students Association - 'Celebrating the Past and Building the Future'

  • Sherman Ex-Students Association Annual Meeting and Awards Luncheon is September 28, 2024

    Purchase your tickets online here: Sherman Ex-Students Annual Meeting Tickets

    Welcome to the Sherman Ex-Students Association website! Please click on the links at the left to access information about the association.

    If you would like to access the Alumni E-mail Directory, either fill out the Alumni E-mail Directory Access Form at left, or call the Sherman Ex-Students Association at the number provided below.

    Museum Hours:

    The museum is open Wednesdays and Fridays from 12:00 noon until 3:00 p.m. To request a special visit at another time, e-mail ShermanExStudentsMuseum@gmail.com or call 903-436-1427.

    The museum is located just south of the Sherman ISD Administration Building on Loy Lake Rd. See map below. James Perry - Director will be happy to provide a tour and show you around the collections.

    Contact Information:

    Sherman Ex-Students Association
    P.O. Box 1351
    Sherman, TX 75091-1351
    (903) 891-6737