Centralized Classes
Students needing specialized programming from staff to have educational benefits may receive services in a centralized classroom. An ARD/IEP committee recommends a centralized classroom only when a student cannot receive proper services at their zoned campus.
Structured Learning Class (SLC)
This specialized classroom is specifically designed for children with autism and/or other communication disorders who need support to build language and communication skills. It focuses on building language and behavioral needs at the preschool level and increases focus on academic support and functional routines at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. Students participate in activities with non-disabled peers to help apply learned skills. This service is offered at all levels.
Functional Academics & Life Skills (FALS)
This specialized classroom prepares students with significant disabilities for success in general education and for independence in critical natural environments, such as domestic and vocational activities. Instruction meets the individual needs of each student, and students usually participate in some activities and classes with non-disabled peers. This service is offered from elementary through high school.