Special Education
Sherman ISD is committed to supporting students and supporting them through customized educational opportunities and partnerships between parents and staff. A student's general education is the cornerstone of instruction, and planning begins at your child's campus. The Full and Individual Evaluation (FIE), along with information regarding present levels of academic achievement and functional performance (PLAAFP) form decisions made by the Admission Review and Dismissal (ARD) Committee who determine specific services needed as documented on a student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP).
Special education services are available at every Sherman ISD campus and are tailored to each student. Students may spend time in general education and special education settings, and the amount of times depends on their individual needs. Campus services may include full-time placement in general education and/or pull-out services in a special education setting, and most students are instructed in a variety of settings with opportunities to interact with their peers.
Special Education Records
Sherman ISD retains confidential special education records for a minimum of five years following the cessation of services, which could be when the student graduates, ages out (reaches 22 years of age), or no longer receives special education services. After this retention period, the records can be securely destroyed unless otherwise requested by the parent, guardian, or adult student. To process a request for records or ask questions, please contact us.