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Compensation Plan

Student Writes on Interactive Classroom Board While Teacher Looks On

Sherman ISD is committed to competitive compensation to recruit and retain high-quality staff, and we are proud to provide the highest starting teacher salary in Grayson County as well as attractive stipends in the most hard-to-fill and critical shortage areas. 

Compensation Plans

View the documents below for a detailed breakdown of pay grades, pay rates and stipends paid in Sherman ISD. The 2024-25 compensation plan included an average raise of $1,750 for teachers and an increase in the starting teacher salary for new teachers to $56,900.

Please note: only salaries for the listed school year may be determined from these documents. No increases are granted automatically each year. Neither past nor future salaries can be accurately calculated or predicted from this information.

Continuing teachers will not be paid less than these amounts for specific years of service. Some continuing teachers are paid more than these amounts for specific years of credited service. Some employees are paid more than these amounts for additional duty days and or stipends.

Rewarding Top Teachers

Sherman ISD offers an exciting pathway for highly effective teachers to earn up to approximately $24,000 per year in addition to their salary. As a participant in the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA), Sherman ISD has created a local teacher designation system to measure teacher effectiveness using observation and student growth data. Teachers who are identified as recognized, exemplary or master teachers receive extra compensation to reward them for their hard work and incentivize them to stay in SISD classrooms.

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