While high school graduation might not be the first thing an incoming middle school student thinks about, it is important to consider when choosing classes. Middle school is the start of a child’s secondary education, and all SISD middle schools offer a variety of choices in academics, fine arts and athletics that can build the foundation for success in high school and beyond.
Sixth and seventh graders have five required courses (math, science, English/reading, social studies and PE/Athletics) and two electives. Eighth graders are enrolled in four required courses (math, science, English/reading and US History) and three electives. Electives include performing arts courses such as band and choir; art; athletics; or Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses such as robotics.
When making class selections, it is recommended that students consider how those classes will lead to success in high school. Think of it as a seven-year plan for graduation that starts in sixth grade.
2024-25 Middle School Course Selection Guide - English
2024-25 Middle School Course Selection Guide - Spanish