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English as a Second Language

ESL is designed to make grade-level academic content accessible to Emergent Bilingual students through English language development.

This intensive English language instruction program is provided at all Sherman ISD campuses by teachers who are trained in effective second language acquisition methods. Staff adapt instruction, pacing and materials to target each student's language proficiency level. 

Students develop reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills in English through the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) in conjunction with their grade-level academic instruction in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). The goal is for emergent bilingual students to attain full proficiency in English in order to participate equitably in school. 

In SISD, ESL students may either receive all content area instruction (English language arts and reading, mathematics, science, and social studies) by ESL teachers or they may receive English instruction and support within other classroom settings.

Help at Home

Parents can support their child’s acquisition of English through opportunities to practice English as well as opportunities to increase their child’s skills in their primary language. Research shows the benefits of primary language development on second language development and the positive transfer of skills from one language to another. You can help support your child’s English acquisition by:

  • reading to your child in English and/or your primary language
  • engaging in conversations that promote a wide-range of vocabulary in either language
  • oral storytelling in your primary language and/or English

Find More Educational Resources

Family Resources

The state’s Emergent Bilingual website contains a wealth of helpful resources and information to support English language learners. Explore the website or sign up to receive updates via email.


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