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Bilingual Education & Language Services

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¡Este sitio web se traduce automáticamente a diferentes idiomas! Simplemente selecciona el idioma usando el botón en la parte inferior derecha de la pantalla.

Did You Know?

This website translates automatically into tons of different languages! Just select your language of choice using the button on the bottom right of the screen.

A girl smiles during class.

More than 70 different languages are spoken by Sherman ISD families, and nearly 30 percent of Sherman ISD students are classified as Emergent Bilingual (EB). These students receive instruction and support through the district's bilingual or English as a Second Language (ESL) programs.

Students who qualify for EB services are identified through home language surveys and language proficiency tests administered by Sherman ISD staff. Once identified, parents give permission for their students to receive instructional support throughout the year. Students take an English language proficiency assessment called TELPAS to measure their progress until they are reclassified as English proficient.



Sherman ISD students served in bilingual or ESL programs 

2024-25 school year

The mission of SISD bilingual and ESL programs is to establish educational equity for all English Language Learners to ensure they reach their maximum potential academically, linguistically, and culturally by implementing research-based instructional practices to develop their language acquisition as well as their academic achievement.

Community Support

Sherman ISD partners with the Grayson College Adult Education program to provide free ESL classes to parents and community members. Courses range from beginner to advanced level and are held at Sherman Middle School each Tuesday and Thursday, 6-8:30 p.m. Call 903-463-8784 to make an appointment.