Measuring a student's growth is critical to providing the support they need, and data received from student assessments allow staff to respond to their needs. Students take a variety of assessments during their education, from mandatory state exams to tests for college admission. Please expand the name of each assessment to find helpful information and test preparation resources.
District Assessments
State Assessments
College, Career & Military Readiness
- Advanced Placement (AP) Exams
- Preliminary SAT (PSAT/NMSQT)
- Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA2)
- Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
Advanced Placement (AP) Exams
Preliminary SAT (PSAT/NMSQT)
Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA2)
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
Did You Know?
Every student who takes the STAAR or TELPAS assessments receives a report card to help families understand how their child is doing and where he or she may need extra help.
Parents can use the Parent Portal to view their student's scores. Students can log in to the Student Portal using their district computer login.
Testing Dates
Please see below for key 2024-25 testing dates:
Oct. 9
Nov. 5, March 4
January 13-17, April 20 - May 2
February 17-March 28
March 5 (on site at SHS - juniors)
Multiple date options
April 8 - 3rd & 6th Grade Reading
April 9 - 4th & 7th Grade Reading
April 10 - 5th & 8th Grade Reading
April 15 - 5th & 8th Grade Science
April 17 - 8th Grade Social Studies
April 22 - 3rd & 6th Grade Math
April 23 - 4th & 7th Grade Math
April 24 - 5th & 8th Grade Math
STAAR End-of-Course Exams
April 8 - English I
April 9 - English II
April 15 - Biology
April 16 - U.S. History
April 24 - Algebra I
AP Exams
May 5-16
See testing date by exam
Test-Prep Resources
Click on the name of each assessment to find free online resources for test preparation.
In addition, Sherman High School students can take advantage of online test-prep resources in the IXL platform. Practice sessions for the SAT, ACT, TSIA2, STAAR and TELPAS are available from home by logging on to IXL through Clever in the Student SSO. Students can even enter scores from a practice or previous SAT or ACT exam to create a personal study plan, which includes adaptive questions geared toward building the skills they need to be successful.