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Joy is a Habit of the Heart: Joy is a choice.
JOY is a Feeling of Great Pleasure and Happiness!!! It is a state of Mind!! Doing crafts and activities are excellent ways to find Joy. You can also find JOY in the simple things around you.
1. If you have a pet, play with them.
2. Write down the things you are thankful for.
3. Tell the people around you that you love them.
4. Find ways to help around the house.
5. Do a craft, like making play dough, slime, or draw a picture.
6. Play a game with your brother, sister, or other relative.
7. Read a book.
8. Watch your favorite movie.
9. Draw a picture.
10. Take a walk outside.
BELOW are Several Activities- HAVE FUN!! and HAVE a JOYFUL Time!!
How to Make-Play Dough Jello video
How to Make Slime without glue
Try Not to Sing Along- Disney Challenge
Inside Out- Joy's Best Moments
Read Aloud Story- Joy's Greatest Joy and Simple Sadness
How to Draw Joy from Inside Out
10 Ways to Helping your Kids Find Joy and How to Cope during the Pandemic- Article for Parents