Bus Route Information

  • You can locate your child’s bus route information online by clicking the image below.


    Sherman ISD uses Transfinder as our bus routing software. Bus routes and stop locations may be accessed through the use of the Infofinder-I tool. Please complete the search form with your street address (house number and street name are both required). If you do not specify a campus or grade level, the results will be for all campus levels. Please note that your child should be at their bus stop 10 minutes prior to the scheduled pick-up time. Although every effort is made to keep the system current, some bus numbers may change.

    If the search does not produce results, please click the Contact Us button at the top left side of the InfoFinder page and complete the Contact Form. This form will aid Transportation in entering your child into the InfoFinder I system. For verification purposes, please include a phone number, and then click SUBMIT. 

    Bus Transportation Student Guidelines

    Student and staff safety are the main focus of the Sherman ISD Transportation Department. Bus rider safety is achieved with the efforts of staff, students, and parents. These guidelines will help us maintain our safety standards.  

    • Students should be at the bus stop at least 10 minutes prior to the scheduled bus arrival time. 
    • Students should load the bus one at a time following any direction from the bus driver or bus assistant, including assigned seating.  
    • Students will remain in their original seats throughout the entire route unless otherwise directed by the driver or bus assistant.
    • Students must comply with all directions from the bus driver or the bus assistant.  
    • Orderly behavior that is not too loud or disruptive in anyway is vital for safe transportation.  
    • Bus transportation is a service we are pleased to offer our eligible riders. To receive and continue transportation service, all riders must be a participant in maintaining a safe and orderly environment.  
    • Bus safety rules are expected to be followed at all times. Failure to follow all bus safety rules will result in riding privileges being revoked.