Meal Prices & Payments

  • Meal Prices

    Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) provides free breakfast & lunch for all students

    • A free breakfast includes a fruit and at least two other foods, like grain or milk.
    • A free lunch includes a fruit or vegetable and at least two other foods.
    • An unlimited number of fresh fruit and vegetables are also free with a complete meal when students first go through the line.
    • Students who take or request snacks, additional entrees, or extra milk, will be charged for those items.

    Meal Payments

    Payments can be made online or by sending cash or check to school. To add funds to your child's cafeteria account, please visit Features of the online payment system include:

    • Managing all your children’s payments and balances from one account;
    • Mobile app for iPhone or Android;
    • Securely fund your student’s account via credit card, debit card, or your checking account;
    • Low balance alerts;
    • Recurring payment options;
    • Ability to review purchase history.

    If you wish to make online payments, you will need your student’s ID number. If you do not know your student’s ID, please contact their campus. For information on the Sherman ISD Charge Policy, please refer to the Sherman ISD Student Handbook.

    Student Account FAQs

    Who can I contact if I have a question about my student’s cafeteria account?
    For questions regarding your student’s account, please call 903-891-6426.

    How can I place money in my student’s cafeteria account?
    Cash or Check:
     Parents can always bring money personally or send it with their student. Please place money in an envelope marked clearly with your student’s name and ID number. Please turn in prepaid deposits to the cafeteria cashier(s) or school office.

    Credit Card: Credit Card payments can be made through My School Bucks, Sherman ISD’s online payment system provider.

    How do I create a cafeteria account for my student?
    An account is created automatically for each child when they register with Sherman ISD. The account will be active as long as the child continues to be enrolled in the district.