Sherman Ex-Students Association
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Sherman Ex-Students Association Museum Information
Take a stroll down memory lane with a walk through the Sherman Ex-Student's Association Museum. This stroll will amaze you with the memories it brings back! The museum displays Athenians from just about every graduation class, all kinds of pictures, awards, plaques, Hi Talks, letter sweaters and jackets, and many, many more memories.
The Museum is always receptive to donations and gifts of any and all types of Sherman and Fred Douglas High School items. The museum is now located at 2701 Loy Lake Road, just south of the new SISD Administration Building. The entrance doors are just north of the old Dillingham gym. The museum phone number is 903-891-6737. The hours are 12:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. on Wednesday and Friday, or it may be opened at other times by request.