Rules and Discipline

  • Mrs. Bray’s Classroom Expectations


    1.  Be prepared to learn at the start of class. This includes:

                A.  Have your supplies with you and ready to use.

                B.  Be in your seat and facing the front of the classroom.

                C.  Be quiet unless you have raised your hand and are called on to speak. 


    2.  Students will participate in class.  This includes discussions,  note taking, activities, and group work


    3.  You will participate in a positive and constructive matter.


    4.  Respect others.  This includes teachers, administrators, visitors, students, parents, animals, and yourself.  Remember it is still disrespectful even if they are not in the room to see or hear your actions.


    5.  Work to improve.


    6.  Have fun in a safe and respectful manor.


    7.  Bathroom/ locker passes.  You must use YOUR Hallway Passport found in YOUR Planner.  If you do not have your planner for some reason, you are not allowed to leave the room.  It should go with you everywhere at school except to lunch.


    8.  No cell phones or music devices in class.


    Problems in my classroom


    1.  Feel free to do anything that does not interfere with my teaching, your learning, or the learning of others.


    2. I teach when there are no distractions or other problems.


    3. I listen to students who raise their hand after I call on them.


    4. I listen to one person at a time.


    5.  I will remind you of appropriate behavior and let you know what is expected.


    6. If someone causes a problem and inappropriate behavior continues, I will ask them to stay after school for a minimum of 30 minutes to develop a solution to the problem.