My Resources

  • Click on the following link to view the Elementary resource sites at home!

    SISD Elementary Start Page



    Our Google Classroom will be used to store additional resources and assignments if there is ever a need to work from home.  



    Classkick is a new online resource we will be using at school and at home if needed.



    Your child is probably used to working in Istation-we used that resource for the past several years and during Virtual Learning last spring.  This year we will be using mClass.  More details soon!



    I use ClassDoJo to connect with parents and keep track of student behavior.  Please use the code to connect with me!  Communication is a two way street!  Although calling the office is ALWAYS the best way to report transportation changes or get information to me quickly-ClassDoJo is perfect for concerns that are not immediate but still need to be shared!  The more I know the more I can help!