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ESSER III Information
The American Rescue Plan signed into law in March 2021 included $122 billion in Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds for school districts across the country. Sherman ISD has applied for and expects to receive about $14 million in ESSER III funding, which is intended to help reopen schools and accelerate learning and mitigate learning loss.
ESSER provides resources for: critical one-time investments; time-limited programming to respond to the pandemic; and innovation that can redefine student learning, acceleration, and development.
Sherman ISD ESSER III Use of Funds submitted to the Texas Education Agency. Use of Funds PS 3013 Use of Funds Narrative PS 3014
Sherman ISD ensures that the ARP ESSER III funds meet all the required elements and are spent in the allowable manner. The presentation to the Sherman ISD School Board on June 21, 2021 is located here (Spanish Version)
Sherman ISD sought family, staff and community input about district needs in June. The results of the community survey are here. (Spanish Version)
To complete the ESSER III Survery please click the button below.
Please find the Sherman ISD Safe Return to In-Person Learning and Continuity of Services Plan 2022-23 at the sites below.
Sherman ISD Safe Return to In-Person Learning and Continuity of Services English
Regreso Seguro a la Instrucción en Persona y Plan de Continuidad de Servicios Español
Please find the Sherman ISD Return to In-Person Instruction Plan at the sites below.