We all need help sometimes. If you or someone you know is feeling stressed or overwhelmed, get support by emailing TCCCares@texomacc.org or accessing the Local COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line for Grayson County at:1-888-592-1515
Texoma Community Center is our local mental health authority. They have mental health services for children, families, and adults. They also have crisis services available 24 hours a day. They can be reached at 877-530-2228
TCC Crisis line is 1-877-277-2226 Available 24/7
Carrus Hospital Children's Behavior Health Center is a new, state-of-the-art, 28-bed child and adolescent behavioral facility. Provide 24-hour inpatient behavioral care for ages 5 through 17 those that require a safe and therapeutic environment. Open 24 hours903-892-1202Referral line - 903-870-1222https://www.carrushealth.com/inpatient-services/behavioral-health-coming-soon/